Construction Building Phases

Stage 9  

Complete: Phase 1
Plans and Permits

Municipal and Authority review and acceptance of documentation including engineering design to allow physical works to commence on site.

Complete: Phase 2

Preparation of the site to achieve design lot levels including site scrape, shaping of the existing ground and construction of retaining walls where required.

Complete: Phase 3
Sewer and Drainage

Installation of pipes for sewer and drainage to service the development of the stage.

In Progress: Phase 4
Road Boxing, Kerb and Channel

Prepare the ground and start to construct the lower layers of the road pavement. Install water and gas mains and construct kerb and channel.

Not Commenced: Phase 5
Electrical and Telecommunications

Trench and install electrical and telecommunications services once kerb and channel works are complete

Not Commenced: Phase 6
Footpaths and Asphalt

Construct footpaths and topsoil nature strips. Construction of middle pavement layers and placement of asphalt.

Not Commenced: Phase 7
Completion and Inspection of Works

Municipal and Service Authority inspections and sign off to work constructed including roads and services. Compilation of final documentation to the Municipality to facilitate receipt of Statement of Compliance (SOC).

Not Commenced: Phase 8
Property & Land Titles Office and Settlement

Registration of individual lots from each Stage occurs at the Property & Land Titles Office and your block is now ready for you to settle.

Parklea Community Testimonials

  • “It’s home; I’ve never seen my son so happy with so many friends in this beautiful Estate”

    B Hunter Kaduna Park Resident
  • “Living in such a supportive community has helped us settle into our first home.”

    B Andrews Kaduna Park Resident
  • “We’d been wanting to buy in a Parklea Estate for ages, the community feel and quality of the estate has made the wait worthwhile.”

    P Hardman Kaduna Park Resident
  • “We feel blessed and safe to live in such a beautiful and supportive community!”

    S Malhi Kaduna Park Resident
  • “Living a dream! A safe, secure, relaxing and healthy lifestyle provided by Parklea with loving, caring, beautiful and the most wonderful community of ‘Kadunians’.”

    A Lakho Kaduna Park Resident
  • “Amazing community & quality of the estate facilities is beyond our expectation and the place to be called Home.”

    S Narayanaswamy Kaduna Park Resident
  • “Community! I love living in a Parklea estate. The sense of community makes me feel at home. I don’t ever want to live anywhere else.”

    B Fritz Kaduna Park Resident
  • “Feel like I’m in the village just entering the estate after I get past the busy traffic zone, so peaceful!”

    J Gayani Kaduna Park Resident
  • “Parklea has built a quality estate at Kaduna Park with a true focus on community, it’s wonderful to know your neighbours.”

    M Hemman Kaduna Park Resident
  • “After visiting Kaduna Park for the first time we were sold, we loved the country feel and well-presented gardens. We’ve now been living here for two months and we are so impressed with the beautiful community that Parklea has created.”

    T Bolding Kaduna Park Resident
  • “Feels like home to me! Everyone is so lovely and welcoming as you walk around Kaduna Park, with their waves and smiles on their face”

    E-J Walker Kaduna Park Resident
  • “After building our first home in Kaduna Park we are beyond excited to be a part of the community. The residents are welcoming, friendly and supportive.”

    J Marie Farrow Kaduna Park Resident

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